"A Ripple Effect"
Volunteering with an Eye to the Future
Rosanna has been volunteering at Cope since August. “When I was researching organizations to get involved with, I was really impressed with how Cope focuses on prevention,” Rosanna said. “Their work creates a ripple effect through generations. Helping parents today impacts their children and their children’s children. That really inspired me and I knew I wanted to be a part of it.”
In less than six months at Cope, Rosanna has already had a big impact. She works regularly with the Healthy Families™ Home Visiting team, supporting our Family Support Providers (FSP) by preparing materials and tools for their visits and helping with other administrative tasks. This allows the Family Support Providers to spend more quality time with their clients.
She also helped during our fire relief efforts, volunteering in our Emergency Financial Assistance center. “It was very heartwarming because people came to us at their lowest, most desperate and most helpless point, and we were able to help them. It was a cycle of people coming in mad and frustrated and leaving with a smile on their face. It felt good knowing that we gave people smiles despite the horrible circumstances.”
Rosanna leading the gift bag activity table at Cope's Annual Holiday Party for families
Rosanna played a key role in bringing holiday cheer to our families in December. She reached out to businesses in our community for donations of arts and crafts supplies, toys and books to be gifted to children at our Family Holiday Social. “It was time for families to come together, meet Santa and do crafts and other fun activities like cookie decorating and face painting. The kids were able to build their own gift bag by picking out a blanket, a stuffed animal, a toy and a book.” Thanks to Rosanna’s efforts and the generosity of donors who contributed, 120 children went home with a fun-filled gift bag. For some of the children, this gift would be their only present over the holidays.
“It is extremely gratifying to see parents breathe that sigh of relief when they see their children smiling and laughing,” recalled Rosanna. “I know the work that I’m helping to do is helping parents. By providing resources and support in their time of need, we are lightening their load just a little bit so they can be better parents. I like being part of that engine of change. That’s what keeps me coming back and a smile on my face.”
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This story is featured in our 2017 Impact Report. You can view the full digital report to learn more about Cope's impact and read more featured stories like Rosanna's.