Before jumping into other updates, I want to share that Executive Director Jessica Silverman has resigned from Cope Family Center after nearly a year of service. At this time, Cope’s Leadership Team and Board of Directors are working together to ensure a smooth transition. We have implemented our Executive Director Succession Plan to support the organization’s ongoing operations as we determine our next steps. In the meantime, the key functions of the Executive Director have been assigned to the Cope Directors, as follows:
Hugo Nevarez, Director of Finance and Administration, is handling finance, contracts, and HR matters. Hugo can be reached at hnevarez@copefamilycenter.org and 415-966-6118 (cell).
Harmony Plenty, Development and Marketing Director, is the lead for fundraising, grants, community outreach, and Marketing/PR. You can reach her at hplenty@copefamilycenter.org and 707-252-1123 x115 (office).
Maria Chavez, Program Director, is responsible for programming, community partnerships, and advocacy. Maria can be reached at mchavez@copefamilycenter.org and 707-252-1123 x129 (office).
If you have any questions, please reach out to any of the Directors above.
We are grateful to Jessica for her leadership during her time at Cope. With the expertise of our staff, the dedication of the Board, and the generous support of our community, we remain as committed as ever to our work serving Napa Valley's children and families. Thank you for being a part of this important work…we couldn't do it without you!
Millie Binz
Board President
In this issue:
It's back to school season! Read some positive ways to prepare you and your family for a successful school year.
Meet Mayra, a graduate of Cope's Home Visiting Program.
Hope's Chest Fashion Show is back! Read more about the event and reserve your spot.
Fall parenting classes are now enrolling. Learn more and register.
Tips for Tackling a New School Year
A new school year can be an exciting time — new subjects to learn, extracurriculars, and time with friends can make your child feel eager to get back to school. But back-to-school season can also be a stressful time for many families. Thankfully, there are ways to make the transition easier on you and your child.
Mayra's Story: On Growing as a Mother
When Mayra and her eldest daughter Mariel moved to Napa six years ago, they were going through some growing pains. With a new baby on the way, the two moved to a bigger place to make room for their growing family, but they lacked some essentials to make their house a home. Plus, with so much of Mayra’s focus on the baby-on-the-way, Mariel was missing her mom’s undivided attention.
To help them get through this transition, Mayra reached out to Cope for support, where she received a supply of diapers and wipes to get them started. She also learned of the other services Cope offered, including parenting classes.
Hope's Chest Fashion Show
Hope's Chest Fashion Show is back! Join us for another year of this one-of-a-kind fashion show where you take the accessories and jewelry you want right off the models! A portion of every purchase is then donated to support Cope’s family strengthening and child abuse prevention programs that serve Napa Valley. It’s a can’t miss event!
Your door donation and a portion of the sales will benefit Cope Family Center's child abuse prevention and family strengthening services. Join us Saturday, October 12th at 3pm for this exciting event!
Parenting Classes
Fall session is now enrolling! Learn ways to strengthen your relationship with your child, manage challenging behaviors, and more. Click here to learn more and enroll today.
Home Visiting Class of 2024
Congratulations to the Parents As Teachers (PAT) Home Visiting Class of 2024! Click here to read more about the graduation and see photos of the celebration.