Cope Family Center has elected Merle Smith, Robert Fowles and Lee Trucker to the Board of Directors.
Merle Smith
Since her retirement from the fashion and retail industry and subsequent relocation to Napa two years ago, Smith has volunteered with various nonprofit organizations in Napa, including Cope. “Cope’s mission is what first intrigued me to volunteer,” she said. “I believe that children are our future and all children deserve to be nurtured, supported and loved. Cope is there to provide the support parents need to do this.” As she gained a deeper understanding of Cope’s work, she became interested in becoming more involved with the organization and served on the Human Resources Committee before joining the Board in January.
Robert Fowles, Retired CFO Opus One Winery
When Fowles retired from Opus One last year after a 43-year career in Finance and Accounting, he brought his extensive experience and expertise to Cope’s Finance Committee. He now looks forward to having an even greater impact as a Board member. “I have been impressed with Cope Family Center and its mission since first learning about it,” he said. “I enjoy serving on Boards, interacting with others who share my passion in their missions, and lending my knowledge and skills to those organizations.”
Lee Trucker, Retired Attorney at Law
Trucker, a retired attorney, has also been active in local nonprofits, including serving on a number of Boards. He was drawn to Cope when he learned of the organization’s work supporting children and families and has been serving on the Finance Committee for the past year. “I have been impressed with the leadership, both staff and Board leadership,” he said. “Having the time now to give more to the community, I see Cope as a positive way to do that.”
Judy Myers, Cope Board President, commented, “Our Board of Directors is thrilled to welcome these three new Board members. They bring a wealth of experience and knowledge as well as an eagerness to help Cope move forward in these challenging times.”
The addition of Smith, Fowles and Trucker bring Cope’s Board of Directors to eight members. Other Board members include Myers, Kathy Glass (Vice President), Brian Kearney (Treasurer). Susan Mitchell (Secretary) and Lona Hardy.