My Day at the Capitol: How We Advocated for Positive Parenting Programs

My Day at the Capitol: How We Advocated for Positive Parenting Programs

On January 23rd, Cope’s Triple P Team visited the Capitol for a day of advocacy. Triple P teams from around the state, coming from as far as San Diego, met with our California Legislators to encourage them to prioritize positive parenting in budget and policy decisions. Our Cope team was joined by other Napa County agencies delivering Triple P, including UpValley, Child Start, and Parentscan.

County and State Proclaim January as Positive Parenting Awareness Month

County and State Proclaim January as Positive Parenting Awareness Month

NAPA, CA – Cope Family Center, a member of the Napa County Triple P Collaborative (NCTPC), announced that the Napa County Board of Supervisors and the California Assembly have both recognized January as Positive Parenting Month, highlighting the importance for parents and caregivers to develop warm, nurturing relationships with their children and teens and become more confident as parents.

Cope Family Center Receives National Recognition for Home Visiting Program

Cope Family Center Receives National Recognition for Home Visiting Program

NAPA, CA – Cope Family Center has earned a prestigious endorsement from Parents as Teachers National Center, Inc. (PATNC) as a Blue Ribbon Affiliate, making it one of the top-performing home visiting affiliates within Parents as Teachers’ international network.

Being named a Blue Ribbon Affiliate affirms that Cope is a high-quality member of the home visiting field, implementing the evidence-based Parents as Teachers model with fidelity. Families in the Napa community are positively impacted by the services delivered by this program.

Cope's 2023 Client Holiday Party

Cope's 2023 Client Holiday Party

With the help of our generous donors and volunteers, Cope's annual client holiday party was once again a fun and festive celebration for the families in our programs! Families gathered at Cope to celebrate the season with their family support specialist or parent educator and enjoy in some holiday fun. Families enjoyed hot chocolate, crafted holiday paper trees, and took family portraits before a seasonal backdrop in our resource center.

Thank You Napa Valley Vintners

Thank You Napa Valley Vintners

For more than 20 years, Cope Family Center has been privileged to have the support of the Napa Valley Vintners (NVV) which has contributed almost $5 million in that time. This generosity has transformed the lives of thousands of children and their families and helped build a stronger community for all. We are grateful to report that NVV recently announced their support will continue with a grant of $250,000.

Letter to the Editor: Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community Protects Children

Letter to the Editor: Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community Protects Children

By affirming LGBTQ+ identities and passing laws in support of the safety and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ people, LGBTQ+ children and youth are better protected. Anti-LGBTQ+ laws and rhetoric actively harm children in the community, and anyone who cares about the wellbeing of children and youth should oppose this hateful and discriminatory legislation.

Factor de Protección: Conexiones Sociales

Factor de Protección: Conexiones Sociales

Los días de Juego Arcoíris  comenzaron en 2019 a través de un proyecto de First 5 Napa County que buscaba ayudar a nuestres families LGBTQ a sentirse seguras, visibles y conectadas. En los últimos 4 años, las reuniones han crecido para incluir horas de cuentos virtuales (como una forma de mantenerse conectado durante la pandemia de COVID 19), manualidades y desfiles infantiles. Se han expandido más allá de los patios de recreo para reunirse en pistas de boliche y caminatas por los preciados espacios al aire libre de nuestro condado. Son un espacio donde les families LGBTQ y les families aliades pueden construir comunidad.

(Click for English)

Supporting family mental health protects children

Supporting family mental health protects children

It is particularly difficult to be a parent in the U.S. right now; attacks on reproductive rights, a lack of affordable childcare, inadequate parental leave, and the fear and uncertainty around children’s safety in school make this a stressful time to raise a child.

These factors, as well as inadequate and inequitable medical care for many pregnant people and a lack of affordable mental health care overall can make the stress overwhelming for some parents. This stress can have a negative effect on children, making it particularly important to establish a solid support system for struggling parents.